Sunday, 13 April 2008

More knitting challenge thinking

Lin has had a fabulous idea (hope it's OK to post it on here). We could organise a day/event/fete etc inviting people to come and knit a square. I've emailed the organisers to ask for publicity material but I'm running away with the idea now and was just thinking if we could organise local celebrities/dignitaries to come along to knit. Obviously there would be cake! Maybe we could we could have it in a local park if anyone has those sort of connections?!


-A said...

Love this!! :) French Weir park would be nice. Admittedly that is the only local park I know of... Maybe we could also grab some wool from local charity shops that folks could knit with on the day? I think it might be nice to provide stuff. I'd be happy to start to gather some wool up, too. :) (And promise not to knit it all up before the big event!)

LinDragon said...

Exactly the sort of thing I had in mind! Yes to A.'s comment, too.SOOOO exciting.