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Did someone mention UNravelry?
Just a very quick one to let you all know that after much knitting, unknitting, cabling, uncabling, purling and unpurling and even more unravelling, I am finally on the way to achieving my first cable knit sweater (FIRST! did you get that? F I R S T!!)...OK - so it's for M and not very big, and being done on 4mm needles, but its damn cute and a brilliant colour...and its a vest - so no arms! Excellent! Anyhoo - I just wanted to show you all how I am getting on...I guess it is safe to say that this weekend I shall be mostly 'cabling'...teehee!
That is wonderful!!! It looked great in person, too! It's fantastic you are learned the art of cabling! :) Mouse will look adorable in it. :)
I can't wait to see it! Think I may have to pinch the pattern so I can knit one for K. Is cabling difficult?
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