You may notice that I look rather tired and like I have been actually shearing the sheep myself - I hadn't - I had just cooked for about 3 hours and had eaten a huge meal with good friends...no change there, thank goodness!
Anyway - I hope you like it. It is almost too big to wear outside, so I am turning the heating off and sitting calmly and quietly, wearing it on the sofa, of an evening. This is fine, as long as I don't knit, as any form of exercise in it brings me out in a sweat. I must just mention that it came from a book that Pam has, which I can't remember the name of (I will find out) and was knitted in super chunky wool, with a pair of 10mm needles. It is called a Wraparound Jacket...but even the picture of it is a lady in her PJs on the sofa, wearing it. It should definitely come with a health warning, as it can't be worn if it rains, as this might result in being weighed down so heavily that one would get stuck in the mire. Should there be any mire near by...
I definitely recommend knitting one of these...I love big needles and as long as you have all the wool to hand and don't have to wait for ages to get it, then you can probably whip one of these up in a couple of days. Instant gratification knitting - perfect.
Well done, Stina, It looks wonderfull.Perfect cold weather wear!
Looks great! Just in time for the chilly weather. :)
It's fantastic! You could also market it as clothing to wear when you're poorly. No need for a hot water bottle, just curl up in it! Well done!
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