Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Knit In Public Day

Here, finally, are the pictures to prove that we did Knit In Public as promised. Quite a good turn-out, considering how little publicity I provided.Coffee for Gossip in action.(Lisa in the reddish t-shirt).
We are quite the League of Nations, you know. (L>) Ramona (Canada), baby L, Andi (U.S.A.).

Raffle and Notice board.

Knitters at work! L to R> Ellie, Suzanne, Sue B, Wendy, Pam, and Isabelle. There were others, but not caught on camera.
The raffle went well, and made £53 , which was sent to Barnardos Childrens Charity. Thanks to everyone for the support.
You may be interested to know that Hayes Wools have taken delivery of the following;
Lantern Moon -a selection of Needles, and Needlecases etc.
Mango Moon - Zing Strings
Aslan Trends Yarns