Well, Knitting and Friday night arrived, and so did lots of cake! Here you see Ness cutting the birthday cake, with a little help from M.
We also welcomed lots of new members. (eight,I think). I can't remember everyone's names, but we will be delighted to see them all return.
A fair amount of knitting went on. So many different styles of project!
Several people ( Steenie, Amber, Jacqui, Ramona, Kat, Carla, me, and I can't remember the names of the others) went and Knitted In Public at Wellington monument on Monday. That was lovely. It was to publicise the Oxfam project, as well as Close Knit.
While we were there, we were able to get fabulous coffee from the lovely Lisa, who was running Coffee for gossip from her portable coffee bar. (You get cheek as a side order!).